Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tis' The Seasoning

Welcome To My first blog. Just take a seat and make yourselves at home while I tell you a few tails of this old dog's observations of human antics, foibles, and other curiosities I find.

Let’s take ThanksGiving and that human Media invention known as, “The War On Christmas” See, dogs don’t like war, afterall, we’re a group of friendly types who make our own fun chasing Frisbees and sniffing each other’s butts.

Just recently I spoke with a seemingly intelligent human about this and together, we came up with a clever idea of making your Holiday season more fair and balanced. A way if you will, to have your Turkey and Hannakah too.

By squishing Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, & New Years (Chinese & Ours) within a two week period, you create a super-holiday, a new holiday that I like to refer to as; “Tis’ The Seasoning”

This is how it would work: The last Thursday in November will remain Thanksgiving, the Saturday AFTER Thanksgiving is Christmas, and all other faiths can honor whatever faith they choose UNTIL the following Thursday which will serve as the New- New Years Day. Aptly re-named- “Tis’ The Seasoning Week” This actually helps society at MANY levels.

1. Instead of having 2 annual family get togethers that many find uncomfortable, there is only one of those to contend with every year.

2. Save on wasted Turkey dinners (Both economically AND unwasted food)
Yes, contrary to popular belief, us dogs care about wastefulness and whether you humans are screwing up the environment.

3. All Employees have the same two weeks off every year. That way, us dogs won’t seem so co-dependant when you come home from the office. We will all have a calender to work from.

4. Politicians, News media, & other trouble-mongerers won’t have an excuse to distract trustigous Americans from the REAL stories and other truthiness going on in the world.

5. America takes two weeks off to Party and spend quality time with your favorite dog, cat, or significant other pet.

6. The Friday after Thanksgiving is STILL the biggest shopping day of the year. So you still get to do quality shopping for that favorite canine on your list.

I must admit, even Bill “Scrooge” O’Reilly couldn’t say humbug to that.

As this blog progresses I will add links, polls, and other helpful kibbles and tidbits.

Happy ThanksGiving and stay safe!

~Dog Gone It...!


Alan Beggerow said...

Hey DogGone!

I like your Super Holiday idea. It makes sense, would cut down on a lot of the holiday stress! But you know 'they' won't allow something to happen that makes so much sense, there's far too much money to be made off holiday stress...

Good luck with your blog. Looks good so far. I've got two blogs with blogspot. It's a good place to have a blog. Do a little exploring and experimenting, they've got a lot of bells and whistles!

Wow, am I the FIRST to post a comment here? Do I get a prize for that, a doggie treat or something? LOL!!

Happy Turkey Day!

Forrest (Alan)

Lauralu said...

Alan, only the second person posting gets the prize on this blog, sweetie.

Hey, C. You are a clever girl. Happy TD! Love ya...Laura

Anonymous said...

Hi Wolflynn!
Nah...lets just do away with the holidays all together. This way nobody can bitch about our consumer nation or how much fruit cake sucks and the sane people don't have to deal with drinking lunatics that the rest of the world calls relatives.
Tis the season for the solistice...
<3 Erin